
建筑师艺术家 Vito Acconci 阿孔尼去世,享年77岁

美国著名建筑师和艺术家 Vito Acconci 阿孔尼于2017年4月27日,因患中风救治无效,享年77岁。阿孔尼在其早期的职业生涯中,是一位具有远见卓识的表演和装配艺术家,阿孔尼在20世纪80年代开始致力于建筑设计和家具设计,他认为只有设计出“世界的一部分”,才能真正对社会产生影响。

通过 Crane.tv 网上的截图. 图片来自Vito Acconci

阿孔尼非常注重建筑理论,他相信他的那些未建成的作品与他的已建成的项目同样重要,因为只有推动建筑的极限,才能将未来的道路铺就成道路。 Acconci Studio 建筑事务所所设计建造的一些著名的项目包括“艺术与建筑店面”的可变形外观(与斯蒂文·霍尔合作设计)和 “Mur 岛”。这是一个前所未有的结构,一个能够充当桥梁、剧院、咖啡厅和游乐场的地方 。

这里可以看到刊登于 artnet 的完整版讣告,并在此处也可以查看阿孔尼在其公司网站上发布的更多作品。

Video: Vito Acconci on Why Unbuilt Projects Are as Important as Built Ones

In this video from Crane TV, writer, poet, artist, and architect Vito Acconci discusses why his goal is not always to have his projects realized. Beginning his career with an education in creative writing from the University of Iowa, Acconci expresses his longtime desire as an artist for art to become "part of the world," explaining that this eventually led him to extend his creativity beyond words and artworks.

Video: Vito Acconci, Is Architecture Art?

Following on from their previous 'videopolemic' tribute to Lebbeus Woods, 32BNY has released their second video featuring artist and designer Vito Acconci's response to the question, "Is architecture art?". Having straddled both architecture and art throughout his carrer, Acconci is cleary comfortable in discussing their relationship, as he talks passionately about the importance of putting people at the center of both.

引用: Lynch, Patrick. "建筑师艺术家 Vito Acconci 阿孔尼去世,享年77岁" [Vito Acconci Dies at Age 77] 02 5月 2017. ArchDaily. (Trans. 庄力) Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/870295/jian-zhu-shi-he-yi-zhu-jia-vito-acconcia-kong-ni-qu-shi-xiang-nian-77sui>



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